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"Climbing"에 대한 검색 결과 7개 발견
- climbing | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
& Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Deployable Robots Milli-Scale, Biomimetic Platform for Climbing Small multi-legged animals that can climb vertical walls with a rough surface have inspired research on climbing This work proposes a novel design for a small and lightweight climbing robot that uses a single actuator To guarantee reliable wall climbing, the contact phase of two tripods should overlap. of a Milli-Scale, Biomimetic Platform for Climbing on a Rough Surface” , Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE
- 이전 - Bioinspired Robots | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
inspired by the specialized movements of animals in nature, including jumping, crawling, gliding, and climbing Gripper View Project Venus-flytrap Rapid Soft Morphing Locomotion Inspired by Venus Flytrap View Project Climbing Milli-Scale, Biomimetic Platform for Climbing on a Rough Surface View Project Flea Flea-inspired small
- Research Overview | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Assistive , Rehabilitation , Hand glove , Upper limb , Prosthetic hand , Sports , Jumping , Crawling , Climbing
- Omegabot | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
[PDF] Jesung Koh, Sungmin An and Kyujin Cho, “Finger-sized climbing robot using artificial proleg” ,
- Home | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Assistive , Rehabilitation , Hand glove , Upper limb , Prosthetic hand , Sports , Jumping , Crawling , Climbing
- Bioinspired Robots | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
inspired by the specialized movements of animals in nature, including jumping, crawling, gliding, and climbing Gripper View Project Venus-flytrap Rapid Soft Morphing Locomotion Inspired by Venus Flytrap View Project Climbing Milli-Scale, Biomimetic Platform for Climbing on a Rough Surface View Project Flea Flea-inspired small
- Refereed Conference Papers | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Hong-Cheol Choi, Gwang-pil Jung, and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Design of a Milli-Scale, Biomimetic Platform for Climbing Je-Sung Koh, Sung-Min An, and Kyu-Jin Cho ,“Finger-sized climbing robot using artificial proleg,” in