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"Jumping"에 대한 검색 결과 16개 발견
- Bistable jumping | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Research Overview Wearables & Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Deployable Robots Bistable jumping By this fabrication method, a small scale jumping mechanism was fabricated. Keywords : #Jumping, #Smart material Related papers and patents Sun-Pill Jung, Gwang-Pil Jung, Je-Sung Koh, Dae-Young Lee, and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Fabrication of Composite and Sheet Metal Laminated Bistable Jumping [PDF] Bistable jumping robot using composite material layered process having metal sheet (Korean Patent
- Flea | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Wearables & Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Deployable Robots Flea-inspired small scale jumping robot Fleas have excellent jumping ability, jumping to more than 150 times their body length. the concept to an efficient jumping robot. It has potential for use in miniature jumping robots that can change jumping direction with a minimal drop in jumping performance.
- Jumproach | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
The locomotion that integrates jumping and crawling expands the environment to reach or overcome compared However, simple addition of jumping and crawling module cause the whole system to be heavy. To maintain appropriate jumping height, the jumping module is required to have much increased amount Keywords : #Crawling, #Jumping, #Multi-modal robot Related papers and patents Gwang-Pil Jung, Carlos Fearing and Kyu-Jin Cho, “An Integrated Jumping-Crawling Robot using Height-Adjustable Jumping Module
- Bioinspired Robots | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
a jumping robot. To maintain appropriate jumping height, the jumping module is required to have much increased amount Fearing and Kyu-Jin Cho, “An Integrated Jumping-Crawling Robot using Height-Adjustable Jumping Module Candidate Soo-Hwan Chae Agile Jumping-Crawling Robot A small-scale jumping–crawling robot expands the jumping height control.
- Water strider | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Wearables & Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Deployable Robots At scale robotic water strider Jumping To reproduce this feat in a surface tension–dominant jumping robot, we elucidated the hydrodynamics involved We built a 68-milligram at-scale jumping robotic insect and verified that it jumps on water with maximum Keywords : #Jumping, #Smart material Related papers and patents Je-Sung Koh, Sun-Pil Jung, Robert Wood Wood, Ho-Young Kim, and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Jumping on water: Surface tension–dominated jumping of water striders
- Omnidirectional Jumper | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Wearables & Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Deployable Robots An omnidirectional jumper Jumping In order for jumping robots to be used in practical situations, such as planetary exploration, search Take-off angle adjustment can expand the trajectory of the jumping from a single line to a plane, steering However, Integration of additional functions increases mass and reduce the jumping performance. Keywords : #Jumping Related papers and patents Sojung Yim, Sang-Min Baek, Gwang-Pil Jung, and Kyu-Jin
- 이전 - Bioinspired Robots | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
We design small-scale robots inspired by the specialized movements of animals in nature, including jumping Milli-Scale, Biomimetic Platform for Climbing on a Rough Surface View Project Flea Flea-inspired small scale jumping robot View Project CaudalFIn Compliant Caudal fin View Project Bistable jumping Bistable jumping mechanism
- Glider | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
We also apply our compliant origami to enhance the energy storage capacity of the jumping mechanism in a jumping robot. Keywords : #Gliding, #Jumping, #Origami, #Multi-modal robot Related papers and patents Sang-Min Baek,
- Research Overview | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
functional Keywords : Assistive , Rehabilitation , Hand glove , Upper limb , Prosthetic hand , Sports , Jumping
- Refereed Conference Papers | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Fearing and Kyu-Jin Cho, “An Integrated Jumping-Crawling Robot using Height-Adjustable Jumping Module Cho, “Development of an Insect Size Micro Jumping Robot”, in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (Living Kyujin Cho, “Flea Inspired Catapult Mechanism with Active Energy Storage and Release for Small Scale Jumping Je-Sung Koh, Sun-Pil Jung, Robert Wood and Kyu-Jin Cho, “A Jumping Robotic Insect Based on a Torque Reversal Cho, “A Miniature Jumping Robot with Flea-inspired Catapult System: Active Latch and Trigger” , in Proc
- Journal Articles | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
[PDF] Soo-Hwan Chae, Sang-Min Baek, Jongeun Lee, and Kyu-Jin Cho, "Agile and Energy-Efficient Jumping–Crawling Robot Through Rapid Transition of Locomotion and Enhanced Jumping Height Adjustment," IEEE/ASME Transactions Fearing, and Kyu-Jin Cho, "JumpRoACH: A Trajectory-Adjustable Integrated Jumping-Crawling Robot," IEEE [PDF] Gwang-Pil Jung and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Froghopper-Inspired Direction Changing Concept for Miniature Jumping Wood, Ho-Young Kim, and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Jumping on water: Surface tension–dominated jumping of water striders
- Lab News | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Cho delivered a plenary talk at HRI. 2019-03 The paper, JumpRoACH: A Trajectory-Adjustable Integrated Jumping–Crawling URAI(International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence) 2015. 2015-07 Our paper "Jumping on water: Surface tension–dominated jumping of water striders and robotic insects" has been published 2011-02 First place winner, " ", QoLT 산업기술 지원센터 주관 노약자/장애인을 위한 보조기기 공모전 2010-11 Best paper award, "Jumping