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"Transforming wheel"에 대한 검색 결과 12개 발견

  • Research Overview | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Soft material , Soft actuator , Smart material , Novel fabrication method , Origami , Deployable arm , Transforming wheel

  • Origamiwheel | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Here, we propose a novel variable-diameter wheel design which combines the function of deformable wheel By simply folding a patterned sheet into a wheel shape, a variable-diameter wheel was built without lots origami structure allows the wheel to bear more than 400 times of its weight. Keywords : #Origami, #Transforming wheel Related papers and patents D.-Y. Lee, S.-R. Kim, J.-S. Cho, "Origami Wheel Transformer: A Variable-Diameter Wheel Drive Robot Using an Origami Structure," Soft

  • Home | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Soft material , Soft actuator , Smart material , Novel fabrication method , Origami , Deployable arm , Transforming wheel Latest News 2024-12 Our paper "MOGrip: Gripper for multiobject grasping in pick-and-place tasks

  • Journal Articles | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    : A Variable-Diameter Wheel Drive Robot Using an Origami Structure,” Soft Robotics, May. 2017. Cho, “Development of a transformable wheel actuated by soft pneumatic actuators,” International Journal Yoo-Seok Kim, Gwang-Pil Jung, Haan Kim, Kyu-Jin Cho and Chong-Nam Chu, “Wheel Transformer: A Wheel-Leg Dae-Young Lee, Je-Sung Koh, Ji-Suk Kim, Seung-Won Kim and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Deformable-wheel robot based Dae-Young Lee, Ji-Suk Kim, Seung-Won Kim and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Design and Fabrication of Soft Deformable Wheel

  • 이전 - Deployable Robots | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Current Works Origamiwheel Origami Wheel View Project Previous Works Drone with an Arm Origami-inspired

  • Deployable Robots | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Project Morphing Block Morphing Origami Block for Lightweight Reconfigurable System View Project Origami Wheel Origami Transformable Wheel View Project

  • Refereed Conference Papers | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    2014 Dae-Young Lee, Ji-Suk Kim, Jae-Jun Park, Sa-Reum Kim and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Fabrication of Origami Wheel Sin, Sung-Hoon Ahn and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Deformable wheel robot based on origami structure,” Proceedings Yoo-Seok Kim, Gwang-Pil Jung, Haan Kim, Kyu-Jin Cho and Chong-Nam Chu, “Wheel Transformer: A Miniaturized . 5605-5610, 2013 Dae-Young Lee, Ji-Suk Kim, Sa-Reum Kim, Je-Sung Koh, Kyu-Jin Cho, “The Deformable Wheel Cho, “Deformable soft wheel robot using hybrid actuation,” the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent

  • Lab News | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    2021-04 Our paper "High–load capacity origami transformable wheel" has been published in Science Robotics Eureka alert ] , [Youtube ] 2019-01 We have collaborated with Hankook Tire to create a tranformable wheel bronzed medal from 23th Samsung Humantech Paper Award with the paper, "Design of Variable Diameter Wheel information 2014-06 Our work is featured in IEEE Spectrum "Robots Get Flexible and Torqued Up With Origami Wheels

  • Patent | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    안성훈,조규진,강병현,조규한,이해민, "휴대용 휠체어(PORTABLE WHEELCHAIR)" , Domestic Patent (Registration Number: 10-1496742 조규진,오준영,고상호,김희태,정승환,박용철,서호성,정인균,남채영, "휠체어용 우산(DETACHABLE WHEELCHAIR UMBRELLA)" , Domestic Patent (Registration 조규진,박성준,남상진,김의곤,윤결,김석원,홍영택,류명우,문태연, "휠체어용 우산(DETACHABLE WHEELCHAIR UMBRELLA)" , Domestic Patent (Registration 김유석, 김한, 주종남, 정광필, 조규진, "수동 변신 바퀴 및 그 바퀴를 갖는 로봇(PASSIVE TRANSFORMABLE WHEEL AND ROBOT HAVING THE WHEEL 김유석,김한,주종남,정광필,조규진, "수동 변신 바퀴 및 그 바퀴를 갖는 로봇(PASSIVE TRANSFORMABLE WHEEL AND ROBOT HAVING THE WHEEL)"

  • Other Conference Papers | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Dae-Young Lee and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Design of Compliant Origami Structure for Deformable Wheel Mechanism, Dae-Young Lee, Ji-Suk Kim, Sa-Reum Kim, Jae-Jun Park and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Design of Deformable-Wheeled Robot

  • EGP | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    the mobility of people who have lost their ability to walk can regain some of their freedom through wheelchairs , however wheelchairs are no substitute to the freedom of walking. , however wheelchairs are no substitute to the freedom of walking. , however wheelchairs are no substitute to the freedom of walking. , however wheelchairs are no substitute to the freedom of walking.

  • Wearables & Prosthetics | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    the mobility of people who have lost their ability to walk can regain some of their freedom through wheelchairs , however wheelchairs are no substitute to the freedom of walking.

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