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"Upper limb"에 대한 검색 결과 16개 발견
- Passive Arm Support | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
weight support device Goal The intended goal of the research is to assist workers with frequent use of upper limbs by applying a soft wearable robot approach. posture and duration of works vary, but they have something in common: repeated or sustained use of upper Keywords : #Assistive, #Upper limb Related papers and patents Daegeun Park and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Development
- Research Overview | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
mobile, and a deployed state to be functional Keywords : Assistive , Rehabilitation , Hand glove , Upper limb , Prosthetic hand , Sports , Jumping , Crawling , Climbing , Gliding , Multi-modal robot , Gripper
- Home | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
mobile, and a deployed state to be functional Keywords : Assistive , Rehabilitation , Hand glove , Upper limb , Prosthetic hand , Sports , Jumping , Crawling , Climbing , Gliding , Multi-modal robot , Gripper
- BoA sensor | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
screw-routing method and the IMU in precision, thereby demonstrating sensing robustness with various upper limb motions.
- EGP | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Candidate Sang Heui Cheon · E-mail : · Research Topic : Soft wearable robots Upper Limb
- Journal Articles | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Dong Hyun Kim, Sangheui Cheon, Guyeol Jeong, Kyu-Jin Cho, "A Cable-Driven Exosuit for Bidirectional Upper Limb Resistance Exercises" , IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024. Lim, and K. -J. Kim, Daeguen Park, Yu-Sun Min, Woo Jin Kim, Kyujin Cho, Nam-Jong Paik, “Electromyographic analysis of upper limb muscles during standardized isotonic and isokinetic robotic exercise of spastic elbow in patients
- Refereed Conference Papers | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Minki Sin, Sang-Hun Kim, and Kyu-Jin Cho, “Development of Passive Upper Limb Weight-Bearing Orthosis of the Adjustable Weight bearing system to adjust the torque change by the distal joint on 2DOF body limb
- Patent | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
박대근,조규진, "상지 근력 보조 장치(ASSISTING DEVICE FOR MUSCLE STRENGTH OF UPPER LIMB)" , Domestic Patent (Registration
- Wearables & Prosthetics | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
As a result of holding and carrying heavy parcels repeatedly, the officers report upper body musculoskeletal developed but are primarily oriented toward lifting assistance only and do not cater to the entire upper Human experiment also verifies the upper body assistance performance of the suit in significantly reducing Bundschu · E-mail : schubs at · Research Topic : Soft wearable robots, lower limb orthopedic Lim, and K.-J.
- Post-Doctoral Researchers | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Postdoctoral Researcher · E-mail : · Research Topic : Soft wearable robots & Lower-limb
- climbing | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Milli-Scale, Biomimetic Platform for Climbing on a Rough Surface Small multi-legged animals that can climb The resulting biomimetic platform is 10cm long and 10.8g in weight and can climb up a near-vertical brick
- GRIPit | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of Korea (RESKO), 2012 Jiyoung Park, MyungJoon Lim 9th i-CREATe (international Combetion on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology MyungJoon Lim